Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Shelf-Full of Love

Last year, I decided to get rid of the builder grade shiny, cheap looking, metallic (You know the type I mean, right?) towel rack in our master bath. (Why is the parents' bedroom and bathroom always the last one on the list? Is it just me?) 

I didn't want another towel rack, but we needed something to hold our towels, so that we weren't running across the bathroom soaking wet and freezing cold to the hook on the back of the bathroom door! 

I had purchased a shelf a while back (on clearance, b/c that I what I do best!), 
similar to this one:  

It was just sitting in my garage, with no home. I found it on clearance, liked it, and brought it home thinking, "One day I will find a place for this." (I seem to have a collection of things like this. Anyone else do this?)

Needless to say, my shelf had found its place in our home. But something wasn't right. I sanded it, just to rough up the shiny finish, and then painted it with my leftover paint from when I'd painted the cabinets in the master bath, (another story for another time), and my hubby hung it for me. 

I love it's functionality, as well as the white on my 
Sherwin Williams Upward Blue walls. 

Here's the breakdown: 

The funniest part is that the towel was the most expensive part of the whole project!


Friday, January 18, 2013

Home Sweet Home.


It's taken me 8 years to feel at home in our home. I know, that's crazy to some. But this house was supposed to be our "move in, make money, move out in 2 years house". And here we are, eight crazy years later. One mom. One dad. Two sweet kids. One dog. Countless fish. (Currently, "Sushi", our goldfish is our longest running (swimming) fish, at almost a year! 

But enough about us. Why am I here in blogworld, among thousands of others doing the same thing? Who knows! Deep down do I wish that I had it in me to be like some of the bloggers who are making a living doing what they love? Oh, yes! Do I think that is the reality for me? No. But a girl can dream. 

In the meantime, I hope to share some of my ideas and some of the ways in which I'm...

 Finally. Home.